gospel of luke cover

Understand Your Place in God’s Plan

Have you encountered the Great Physician, the One who has been working throughout all of human history to make salvation available to us all, the One who wants us all to better understand our place in God’s plan? In this book, Luke—an educated physician, a man of science and reason, and a historian—provides us with a thoroughly researched and detailed account of what Jesus said, what He did, and how what happened to Him not only changed the course of history but can also change our lives.

In The Gospel of Luke, we learn that God’s kingdom is open for all. We discover that the Great Physician’s care and grace extends to all people everywhere. Regardless of our racial, ethnic, social, economic, or religious backgrounds, in Luke’s gospel, we learn that God makes salvation available to all through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Easy to read Bible

  • Proven easier to understand than other leading Bible translations

  • Overcomes common frustrations of reading the Bible

  • Thematic outline aids understanding of the main point of a passage

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10Realizing their fear, the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I am here to bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. 11Today, for your benefit, in the city of David, the Savior of the entire world has been born. He is the Christ, the divinely anointed Messiah who will decisively deliver God’s people; He is Christ the Lord, the One who has all power and authority and rules over all things.

10The Son of Man—the One who brings God’s salvation to His people—does not show favoritism toward anyone; instead, He has come to seek and save those who know they are lost.”

23When Jesus began His public ministry, He was about thirty years old. But His roots and qualifications for being the Messiah were far deeper. Since tracing the ancestry of the Messiah is an integral part of Jewish thinking—tracing the Messiah’s roots back to David, Abraham, and Adam—let us look at Jesus’s genealogy and see how He is qualified to be the Messiah. Let us see how Jesus is the last and vital link in God fulfilling His promises to His people throughout history.

Even though Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, Jesus was known as the legal son of Joseph.
Joseph was the son of Heli.

[this genealogy continues on in verses 24-38 that are not shown here in this sample]

20Following the customary service order, Jesus rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down to teach. Because the passage Jesus read referenced God’s deliverance, combined with the intrigue of wondering who Jesus was, everyone was eager to hear what His teaching would be on this text. 21Jesus began by saying to them, “Today, this Scripture from Isaiah has been fulfilled in your presence; the new era of God’s salvation has arrived!”

20On this occasion, Jesus turned His attention from the demonstration of His power at work to highlight for His disciples the essential teaching on how His followers should live. He taught them, saying:

“In the economy of God’s kingdom, appearances can be deceiving. Those who are truly fortunate before God may not be the ones you might think. Let Me share with you a portrait of those for whom God has compassion.

“The truly fortunate ones are you who are poor and realize your need for God, because you have a position in the kingdom of God.

21“The truly fortunate ones before God are you who are hungry and lack the material resources even to meet your hunger, because you have God’s promise that all your needs will be filled and ultimately satisfied.

“The truly fortunate ones before God are you who weep under the strain of life’s struggles and experience pain, strain, or rejection as you live for God, because you will be filled with a joy that overflows into laughter.

22“The truly fortunate ones before God are you who are suffering hatred, social ostracism and exclusion, insult, and rejection to the point your community considers you a wicked shame because you follow the Son of Man. 23When this happens, you can rejoice and leap for joy
because your reward is great in heaven. And know that you are not alone in the way you are being treated. Your spiritual ancestors, the prophets of the Old Covenant, were treated the same way.

23Then Jesus said to them, “If anyone wants to be My follower, they must lose sight of themselves and say no to their own interests, they must take up their cross on a daily basis as one prepared to face rejection from the world and live as one dead to the world’s values and lifestyles, and they must follow Me every day and from now on in the way of life. 24Following My teaching and My way of life to attain security and a holistic, fulfilling, and God-honoring life presents one with a great paradox. For whoever tries to save their life by following their own way will lose their life, but whoever loses their life to follow My teaching and My way of life will actually save it. 25No matter who a person is, what good is it to gain all the esteem, power, and wealth of the world in an attempt to secure life now—if by doing so you stray from following God’s way and forfeit your very soul and life in God’s kingdom? 26There is an eternal judgment that is coming. If anyone is ashamed to follow Me and My teaching, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when He comes, with the holy angels, in His Father’s full glory.

From the Back Cover

Have you encountered the Great Physician, the One who has been working throughout all of human history to make salvation available to us all, the One who wants us all to better understand our place in God’s plan? In this book, Luke—an educated physician, a man of science and reason, and a historian—provides us with a thoroughly researched and detailed account of what Jesus said, what He did, and how what happened to Him not only changed the course of history but can also change our lives.

In The Gospel of Luke, we learn that God’s kingdom is open for all. We discover that the Great Physician’s care and grace extends to all people everywhere. Regardless of our racial, ethnic, social, economic, or religious backgrounds, in Luke’s gospel, we learn that God makes salvation available to all through faith in Jesus Christ.

The Gospel of Luke makes it clear that the call to salvation is more than a mere momentary transaction; it is a journey of faith that calls us to live a life dedicated to following Christ. In Luke’s gospel, we are encouraged to discover Christ and learn how to follow His example. And the good news of Luke’s gospel is that as we follow Christ, we will experience a life of love, joy, service, and repentance; discover where we fit into the big picture of history; and find that God makes our place in His plan clear to us as we follow Him.


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The Gospel of Luke

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